Philippines has many region, one of the region is the CAR region or CORDILLERA AUTONOMOUS REGION. These regions consist of Benguet, Mountain Province, Kalinga Apayao, Abra, and Ifugao.
Philippines has many region, one of the region is the CAR region or CORDILLERA AUTONOMOUS REGION. These regions consist of Benguet, Mountain Province, Kalinga Apayao, Abra, and Ifugao.
There have many tribes that living in this region. One of them is the Ibaloy which are living in the Benguet mountain province and they are the closest neighbor of the Kalingas although they have a similar culture they speak a different dialect. Kalinga is also one of the ethnic groups in the CAR region which live in the Northern Luzon. They are some ethno linguistic groups inhabiting Northern Luzon. They are of Malayan heritage and they were feared by their head hunting activities. Other tribe of the CAR region is the Isneg they lived in the northwesterly end of northern Luzon in the upper half of Cordillera Province. They were described as slender and graceful structure, with manner that was kind, hospitable, and generous, possessed with the spirit of self-reliance and courage and clearly artistic in their temperament. They are also close neighbor to the Kalinga, Tingguian and Ifugao. Tangguian is other tribes on this region. They lived in the Abra which occupies the western portion of the Cordillera Region in northern Luzon. They were also called Itneg which is the other early inhabitants of Abra. Ifugao is also other tribes in this region which is the most prominent of the mountain people. They were known collectively as Igorots, consisting of the major groups. Their ancestor built the famous rice terraces over 2,000 years ago without the aid of metal tools. Other tribes are the Bontoc. It refers to the people of the Mountain Province. The Bontoc are the only people in the Mountain province that have laws on warfare, including the making of the peace pacts. Mountain Province sits on the Cordillera Mountain range which runs from north to south. The Kankanay live in the Mountain Province of Benguet. They are the third largest cultural community in the mountain province. They have brown skin, large eyes, and prominent cheekbones.
All the ethnic groups in the Cordillera Autonomous Region have their own way of living but some of them are the same. Some of their agricultures are terracing, planting crops, fishing, hunting, harvesting rice and vegetables. They believe also in the anito or spirits of their ancestors. These ethnic groups have also different culture and traditions. And they also have their different literature which they entertain it to others.
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